
UX Brighton 2022 - 4th November
UX Brighton 2022 - 4th November

UX Brighton is back in-person after a 2 year hiatus

13 Nov, 2022

Cufflinks - Edition 2 - 23rd October
Cufflinks - Edition 2 - 23rd October

An overview of a busy summer during October, my favourite month.

23 Oct, 2022

Vlog 3 [1/2]: Adventures in ViewX - Double Diamond for Watch Parties
Vlog 3 [1/2]: Adventures in ViewX - Double Diamond for Watch Parties

Reflecting on designing a watch party for UX Brighton Watch the UX Brighton watch party for yourself using this playlist on YouTube (took place on 13th April 2021) Look at the schedule and information for the event which was provided as a Google Doc Visit the Mural board that I used to guide my design and then reflect on my experiences Check out the video bingo mini challenge (H5P interactive activity) Edited Vlog Transcript Hi folks, I know it’s been a while. So, yeah basically what I can say is I’ve had a couple of really paperwork intensive months. I ran a watch party for UX Brighton because I presented about a few of the challenges I’d found through working on some discovery at my workplace. The suggestion was that perhaps we could do a UX Brighton watch party and that might provide me with an opportunity to experiment to try out some things that I couldn’t try out at work and to get some really helpful critical feedback. So, I’m really delighted to say that I got that opportunity because I really did get amazing feedback and I have since used the learning that I gained from that particular watch party to feed into my professional portfolio, and I’ve also used it to think really critically about how I talk to staff about watch parties how I encourage them to onboard people during watch parties.

4 Jul, 2021

UX Camp Brighton 2018: Jobs-To-Be-Done-(R) #uxcb18
UX Camp Brighton 2018: Jobs-To-Be-Done-(R) #uxcb18

Why am I here (as in you, at this blog, and reading this now)? I hope you are here because you would like an introduction to using RStudio for data visualisation. I also hope that you are here because you are interested in Jobs-To-Be-Done (abbrev~ JTBD; Ulwick, 2016). This blog provides an example of how to apply one of the approaches that sits under the mantle of JTBD, an Opportunity Landscape (Ulwick, 2016; VIII. Target Hidden Growth Opportunities section).

24 Mar, 2018

[Talk] Factors of Trust in IoT App Interfaces Redux
[Talk] Factors of Trust in IoT App Interfaces Redux

Talk presented at UX Camp Brighton 2016 - Redux on 14/06/16 at 68 Middle Street http://uxbrighton.org.uk/ See original blog post for the version of this talk given at UX Camp Brighton, 2016 (19/03/16). Video version of original talk.FACTORS OF TRUST IN IOT APP INTERFACES from Fiona MacNeill on Vimeo.

14 Jun, 2016

Wireframes: Are friends electric
Wireframes: Are friends electric

The title of this blog post is a nod in the direction of Mr. Gary Numan. It felt like the right time to get some simple mock-ups ready in Adobe Fireworks; thus we became electric and moved away from paper, but only temporarily as this will speedup some of the low-fi paper prototypes that I plan later on. Fireworks seemed like the best choice as it is javascript-centric and I think that in all likelihood the final product would be coded in Bootstrap JS (but that would be up to my hypothetical developer). This is going to be a very long journal entry as there were a lot of decisions involved in taking the jump to the new format. Bear with me. So first on my list, although I did it second (as I ’think’ in colour) was to create a flexible frame-based mock-up of a topic page where learning content would be delivered. The frame size is set to 805 X 604 as this is the size of the window typically specified by Xerte, the University of Nottingham’s Learning Object creation tool. The specific Xerte example that I drew inspiration from can be found at the following link: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/toolkits/play_8203. You will see that my progression buttons at the bottom of the page bears some resemblance to theirs, as I felt that it was an elegant solution to the problem in both a browser window and on a mobile device. I would be sure to cite this in my final code! However, I do think that a bit of polishing is needed and possibly an alternative for testing purposes; I think that the “2 / 4” looks like a button too, which could lead to confusion, so that is something to fix.

8 Jan, 2016

Wireframes: Pondering Topic Pages
Wireframes: Pondering Topic Pages

References Van Duyne, D. K., Landay, J. A., & Hong, J. I. (2007). The design of sites: Patterns for creating winning web sites (2nd ed.). USA: Prentice Hall PTR.

31 Dec, 2015

Wireframe sketching: looking at the index/home
Wireframe sketching: looking at the index/home

References Van Duyne, D. K., Landay, J. A., & Hong, J. I. (2007). The design of sites: Patterns for creating winning web sites (2nd ed.). USA: Prentice Hall PTR.

30 Dec, 2015

Major discoveries, minor anguish
Major discoveries, minor anguish

You may ask, what happened to you Fiona, between 6/12 and 20/12? Well this is what happened. I was teaching an online course called the 12 Apps of Christmas (a satellite of course run at Regent’s University, London) and it was ALL consuming. I was also working on my Learning Object project during this time (and you thought I was slacking!) however, for the most part I have to admit to reverting to paper reflections for a while, due to sheer convenience. Currently my notes are collectively living on bits of scrap-paper, serviettes/napkins, and Evernote entries. I plan to pull them together here over the next few days, a process that I have started with the inclusion of my reflection of using a learning object as an end user, I will include more on that later in the post.

21 Dec, 2015

Real-time reflection: experience of completing a Learning Object

As part of my day job, I had to complete a Learning Object (as a learner/student) and decided to take the opportunity to reflect on what the experience was like from an end user perspective. Throughout the process, I considered what went well, what could have worked better and what I felt was missing. This exercise resulted in something of a structural epiphany. I realised that I had missed some vital steps in the conceptual model, this was further borne out when I started my wireframe drawings and found that there were things that simply did not add up. Below is my, step-by-step written account of my experience in the Learning Object, I have highlighted sections of particular significance. My next post will outline some of the decisions that took place from December 16th onward.

20 Dec, 2015