Cellular concerns

11 Dec, 2016 · 8 min read

I have been plugging away at the portfolio site with the primary aim of getting a semi-functional prototype version to Dr. Theo Fotis on Monday 12th of December. There is a still a huge amount of stuff to do, fix-up and streamline I will add these tasks to my Trello board. This journal entry provides a rundown of the decisions that I have this week.

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Here be the stuff of nightmares…

I have to admit that I spent way too much time on this issue, but it was honestly driving me to distraction. So having fixed my grid so that it was had even widths and looked lovely as I started to use my grids I found that I needed to add unique classes for the blocks that appear in each

of the html file. The grid structure is left in place as a logical point of reference. Then I found that my written content in the grid was overflowing beyond the height of the sections. This was relatively easy to fix by setting the classes for the sections to have relative positions and have overflow set to auto. Phew. However, as I added some placeholder content to my grid blocks I found that the widths were still perfect but the heights of columns were not okay. What I mean by “not okay” is that if a block had more written content then it was longer to contain this content. Therefore blocks positioned adjacent to each other looked askew. /* tried this and hated it .is-table-row { display: table; } .is-table-row [class*="col-"] { float: none; display: table-cell; vertical-align: top; border: solid 7px #EEEEEE; border-radius: 0; } */ This was strangely very hard to fix. I tried several methods. First I tried fool it into thinking it was a table, but I lost my gutter and I worried about responsive accessibility. I also tried CSS pseudo classes (which I now have a little bit of experience with after customising the dots), but it didn’t provide the desired look either. I also tried adding attributes to the section container and the “One True Layout Method” (Coyier, 2010) where the margin-bottom is set to -99999px and the padding-bottom is set to 99999px and the overflow is hidden. This feels like brushing the problem under the carpet and it looks like it too as it cut off the bottom of my block outline and I like the outline. In the end I used row class for my grid defined to display flex and and then use the flex-wrap wrap setting. Alas, with one fell swoop my dream of full functionality in Internet Explorer is dashed as Flexible Box Layout module is not supported in IE9 at all (http://caniuse.com/#search=flex).

SmoothScroll and the Navigation

In an earlier journal entry I had cited this fixed navigation example on codepen (http://codepen.io/anon/pen/QGQPmX) as being close to what I would like for the navigation on my site, however I have also been devouring a book on web accessibility, Inclusive Design Patterns Coding Accessibility Into Web Design and anything fixed in the CSS was identified as a no-no in the book (Pickering, 2016). I had also found that the fixed header height meant was causing issues with the distance of the smoothScroll function. I was able to fix this by checking their documentation and adding the labeling the header as data-scroll-header and then specifying this in the initiation script. Previously I had defined a spacer div for this purpose, it didn’t work perfectly for the smoothScroll function, but it ended up being handy for defining white space between the timeline and the about area (in addition to the use of margin settings it was helpful to have something that was independent). In the end I didn’t need most of this work as due to the advice in Pickering’s book, I decided that the navigation header needed to have a relative position instead of being fixed.

Anxiety levels

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I wanted to give the carousel/timeline a long image that continued along the base of cells showing the anxiety levels of the fictional patient during the story (this was shown in wireframe version 3). I started by testing with a .png image and as I anticipated it looked awful but I was most interested in getting the positioning setup correctly. The issue was that the image kept showing up above or in front of the text inside the description div. Also as the window was resized the image floated upward from its initial position. The only way that I could fix this was to use z-index and a fixed position for the image container (I already broke the rules about fixed items - see above) and then added a unique style id called #anxiety to specify how my image was shown in the container (as a background image). Initially I thought that I might need to specify one strip of the image per cell in the Flickity, but they kept overlapping and having layering issues. The logical approach in the end is to have one very long SVG. I need to optimise the SVG prior to the final release of the site, but at the moment I am still adding to it in Adobe Illustrator as I need to finish writing the patient story prior to finalising the graphic. As this graphic only serves an aesthetic purpose I think it is alright that it is both fixed and defined as a background image (and therefore cannot have an alt tag applied for accessibility reasons).

Bios section

I added box-shading to the photos - they needed a little something to differentiate them against the background. Once again this is not supported in IE9 although it is less critical than the flex-box issue outlined above.

Responsive adjustments

I worked on the mobile phone break point for the media queries first. Specifically, @media (max-width: 414px) I based this size on the Google Nexus 6P and the Apple iPhone 6 plus as although these are both phablet sized I certainly need the grid blocks to be shown in a single column at this size not in rows. In general I would like to steer clear of too many device specific breakpoints as it is better to think about the legibility of the design rather than get too obsessed this (an article by Justin Avery (2013) supports this view: https://responsivedesign.is/articles/why-you-dont-need-device-specific-breakpoints - not everyone agrees on this). Also, I realise that I need to go through the code and consolidate my classes and ensure that my units are standardised as % and em prior to doing too much work on this. So the rest of the styling and layout needs to be completed first, based on a desktop first mentality.

Thinking about the patient

I found myself rethinking the fictional patient’s name, based on the ever helpful Wolfram Alpha. It seems that women named Ruth are demographically older than the fictional patient should be (roughly 55-65yrs although I need more data on this - more on this in my next post). Although Wolfram Alpha is based on demographic information from the United States it is a good basic litmus test for this. Here is my comparison, Carol may be a better name: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=name+ruth+compared+to+carol


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Pickering, H. (2016). Inclusive design patterns (Kindle ed.). Freiburg, Germany: Smashing Magazine GmbH.

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Fiona MacNeill
UX Researcher, Learning Designer, Technologist
Passionate about creating inclusive and accessible experiences, tools, and services for learning and doing.